We work with students & staff to create safer, more inclusive community cultures with workshops on mental wellbeing, sex and healthy relationships and responsible allyship/bystandership.
Download Our BrochureBuilding a more equitable and inclusive campus culture can be challenging and uncomfortable. For universities, institutions and teams to benefit from genuinely diverse and inclusive campuses and student populations, change needs to be embraced culturally.
We have a successful track record in delivering practicable, relatable and effective workshops for long lasting societal change. Download our report.
Contact us today to discuss opportunities to take your institutional/team culture and performance to the next level.
It helped me realise that there are ways to be in touch with my emotions and how my actions make other people feel, even those who I don't say anything to but overhear what i say
Really good to think of welfare issues that may arise inside & outside the club and helped me consider things about gender, equality, consent, uni culture, that I hadn’t given much thought before.
It was really interesting to learn about different peoples experiences and opinions, they asked very Introspective questions, and they people who ran it were really engaging and kind