Signposting for Support & Resources for Reflection

January 17, 2024
At Beyond Equality, we’re always looking for ways to bring you new perspectives on masculinities. Sign up for our newsletter, follow our social media accounts, or volunteer to receive regular updates and links to other organisations and opportunities.  
This resource list signposts some UK based support services. There are likely to be others in your local area or nationally that we haven’t listed here. These sources tend to be more focused on supporting men and boys, as this is who we mainly work with.
We have also brought together some videos, books, websites, blogs, and podcasts that might help you get started or continue some of the conversations Beyond Equality has. We don’t endorse everything said in every source, though do feel that they do contain perspectives that can help a lot of people understand complex issues further. 
The Staff & Volunteers of Beyond Equality


Sex and Healthy Relationships:

Safeline Safeline is a leading specialist charity for sexual abuse and rape.

Relate  Relate offers counselling services for every type of relationship nationwide.

Survivors UK  (Charity for male, trans and non-binary survivors of sexual assault)

GMFA  Organisation specialising in gay men’s sexual health

Terrence Higgins Trust  Leading UK charity for sexual health and HIV

Brook Sex and relationship organisation for young people

Student Room:  Informal website that provides a chat and connects students across the country.

Refuge  Domestic violence charity - also for men - and stealth exposure to abuse against women

Your university, school or workplace will likely also offer counselling and support services which may be the easiest way for you to access longer-term support, if you feel they are appropriate to you.

Men’s Mental Health

C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably): focuses on male mental health 

MIND Leading mental health charity in the UK

Samaritans Helpline

Nightline  Night-time helpline run by students for students

Shout Free 24/7 text service, for anyone in crisis

NHS Mental wellbeing audio guides 

Taraki  Taraki works with Punjabi communities to reshape approaches to mental health through awareness, education, support, and research.

Identities & Discrimination 

The ManKind Project Free male-only discussion groups

C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably): focuses on male mental health 

Stonewall Leading LGBTQ+ charity

GIRES Charity supporting and trans and gender non-conforming people

Scope  Disabled rights charity in England and Wales

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) SARI provides support for victims of any type of hate crime including racist, faith-based, disablist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

Southall Black Sisters established in 1979 to meet the needs of Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women. Their aim to highlight and challenge all forms gender-related violence against women, empower them to gain more control over their lives; live without fear of violence and assert their human rights to justice, equality and freedom.

Revenge Porn Helpline

Some resources for facilitating conversations with men and boys

The Imagine Toolkit In 2017-18 we collaborated with leading organisations in Sweden (MAN) and The Netherlands (Emancipator) to co-develop workshops and activities to engage men and boys in the prevention of violence against women and girls. The aim of the toolkit is to share expertise and inspiration, as well as practical tips and tricks.

Manhood 2.0 Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative initiative to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms in the United States.

Sex, Sexual Violence prevention and Healthy Relationships

‘All About Love’ by bell hooks

Why I'm an unhealthy consent deconstructor, not a consent educator by Jonathan Kalin 

Jackson Katz: Violence Against Women - It's A Men's Issue 

Sex Education - Netflix Series

White Ribbon UK Campaign that works with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence)

Fawcett Society The Fawcett Society is a membership charity in the United Kingdom that campaigns for women's rights and gender equality

Rape Crisis works to raise awareness of sexual violence and campaign for change

Mental Health

Time to Talk by Alex Holmes

‘Man Up’ Slate Podcast: A Man Learns to Cry again (Check out other episodes too)

MIND – Delivering Male: Effective Practice In Male Mental Health

‘Boys Don’t Cry’ by Tim Grayburn


‘The Descent Of Man’ by Grayson Perry

‘Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined’ by JJ Bola

‘The Straight Jacket’ by Matthew Todd

‘The Velvet Rage’ by Alan Downs

'From Jim Crow to Jay-Z' by Miles White

‘Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics’ by bell hooks

‘The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love’ by bell hooks 

‘Man Enough: Undefining Masculinity’ by Justin Baldoni 

‘Boys won’t be boys. Boys will be what we teach them to be’ by Ben Hurst 

‘The Mask You Live in’: This documentary on the American "boy crisis" Explains how to raise a healthier generation of men 

‘Feminism & Men’ by Nikki Van Der Gaag

‘The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help’ by Jackson Katz

Let’s Talk Bruh – Healthy Manhood, Toxic Masculinity & Ray Rice’s Accountability with Tony Porter

100 Easy Ways to Make Women's Lives More Bearable – VICE

Gender Equality Is Not A ‘Women’s Issue’ – It’s Good For Men Too – The Guardian

Signposting for Support & Resources for Reflection

At Beyond Equality, we’re always looking for ways to bring you new perspectives on masculinities. Sign up for our newsletter, follow our social media accounts, or volunteer to receive regular updates and links to other organisations and opportunities.  
This resource list signposts some UK based support services. There are likely to be others in your local area or nationally that we haven’t listed here. These sources tend to be more focused on supporting men and boys, as this is who we mainly work with.
We have also brought together some videos, books, websites, blogs, and podcasts that might help you get started or continue some of the conversations Beyond Equality has. We don’t endorse everything said in every source, though do feel that they do contain perspectives that can help a lot of people understand complex issues further. 
The Staff & Volunteers of Beyond Equality


Sex and Healthy Relationships:

Safeline Safeline is a leading specialist charity for sexual abuse and rape.

Relate  Relate offers counselling services for every type of relationship nationwide.

Survivors UK  (Charity for male, trans and non-binary survivors of sexual assault)

GMFA  Organisation specialising in gay men’s sexual health

Terrence Higgins Trust  Leading UK charity for sexual health and HIV

Brook Sex and relationship organisation for young people

Student Room:  Informal website that provides a chat and connects students across the country.

Refuge  Domestic violence charity - also for men - and stealth exposure to abuse against women

Your university, school or workplace will likely also offer counselling and support services which may be the easiest way for you to access longer-term support, if you feel they are appropriate to you.

Men’s Mental Health

C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably): focuses on male mental health 

MIND Leading mental health charity in the UK

Samaritans Helpline

Nightline  Night-time helpline run by students for students

Shout Free 24/7 text service, for anyone in crisis

NHS Mental wellbeing audio guides 

Taraki  Taraki works with Punjabi communities to reshape approaches to mental health through awareness, education, support, and research.

Identities & Discrimination 

The ManKind Project Free male-only discussion groups

C.A.L.M. (Campaign Against Living Miserably): focuses on male mental health 

Stonewall Leading LGBTQ+ charity

GIRES Charity supporting and trans and gender non-conforming people

Scope  Disabled rights charity in England and Wales

Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) SARI provides support for victims of any type of hate crime including racist, faith-based, disablist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

Southall Black Sisters established in 1979 to meet the needs of Black (Asian and African-Caribbean) women. Their aim to highlight and challenge all forms gender-related violence against women, empower them to gain more control over their lives; live without fear of violence and assert their human rights to justice, equality and freedom.

Revenge Porn Helpline

Some resources for facilitating conversations with men and boys

The Imagine Toolkit In 2017-18 we collaborated with leading organisations in Sweden (MAN) and The Netherlands (Emancipator) to co-develop workshops and activities to engage men and boys in the prevention of violence against women and girls. The aim of the toolkit is to share expertise and inspiration, as well as practical tips and tricks.

Manhood 2.0 Manhood 2.0 is a gender-transformative initiative to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on the impacts of harmful gender norms in the United States.

Sex, Sexual Violence prevention and Healthy Relationships

‘All About Love’ by bell hooks

Why I'm an unhealthy consent deconstructor, not a consent educator by Jonathan Kalin 

Jackson Katz: Violence Against Women - It's A Men's Issue 

Sex Education - Netflix Series

White Ribbon UK Campaign that works with men and boys to challenge those male cultures that lead to harassment, abuse and violence)

Fawcett Society The Fawcett Society is a membership charity in the United Kingdom that campaigns for women's rights and gender equality

Rape Crisis works to raise awareness of sexual violence and campaign for change

Mental Health

Time to Talk by Alex Holmes

‘Man Up’ Slate Podcast: A Man Learns to Cry again (Check out other episodes too)

MIND – Delivering Male: Effective Practice In Male Mental Health

‘Boys Don’t Cry’ by Tim Grayburn


‘The Descent Of Man’ by Grayson Perry

‘Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined’ by JJ Bola

‘The Straight Jacket’ by Matthew Todd

‘The Velvet Rage’ by Alan Downs

'From Jim Crow to Jay-Z' by Miles White

‘Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics’ by bell hooks

‘The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love’ by bell hooks 

‘Man Enough: Undefining Masculinity’ by Justin Baldoni 

‘Boys won’t be boys. Boys will be what we teach them to be’ by Ben Hurst 

‘The Mask You Live in’: This documentary on the American "boy crisis" Explains how to raise a healthier generation of men 

‘Feminism & Men’ by Nikki Van Der Gaag

‘The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help’ by Jackson Katz

Let’s Talk Bruh – Healthy Manhood, Toxic Masculinity & Ray Rice’s Accountability with Tony Porter

100 Easy Ways to Make Women's Lives More Bearable – VICE

Gender Equality Is Not A ‘Women’s Issue’ – It’s Good For Men Too – The Guardian

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